Day 385 – Spilling

Hours of Daylight – 13:46
Forgive me Father for i have sinned. It has been 54 days since my last posting to my blog. So much has happened over those days, but like the rivers, dams, and reservoirs it all just so much water through the system.

TurbulantThe really excellent snow this winter in causing a bit of a crisis now that its all melting. The reservoirs are receiving large amounts of runoff earlier in the melt than normal and in an effort to keep plenty of room available both the Corps of Engineers and Idaho Power are spilling water. No, the water’s not up to the top of the bathtub, but the Boise river is higher than it has been for years and the secondary spillway at Lucky Peak is open and roaring.

Me? Well, our 1 year anniversary in Boise came and went. Annette and i shared our last bottle of Saint Chappell sparkling something-or-other. It was from the case we bought at their Spring Fling last year when we had no furniture and bought two cases of wine in order to have something to sit upon other than the floor. We missed the Spring Fling this year. Oh well.

I’ve started seeing a counselor and i’m taking Zoloft for a test drive. I’ve also landed a temp job in the graphics department at Idaho Power. The temp job will almost certainly end soon, but it has been a good experience thus far. Like they say, i’m in the door now… and i haven’t completely screwed anything up, so who knows where it will lead.

The counselor has been pretty good in that she’s confirmed depression is not to be completely unexpected when there’s is major upheavals and nothing seems to be going well. The Zoloft is just for hell of it… to see if chemistry can be ruled out as a cause for how poorly i’ve been feeling of late. It’s just a starter pack. Really, that’s what is printed on the blister pack. I’ve only recently graduated to the full-dose rows of pills. I can’t say if it’s doing anything.

Arrowrock_smallI can say i’ve felt a certain identification with my birth sign of late. I am aquarius after all, so all this water coming down the from the mountains has made me feel energized and, if not “hopeful” than at least not “dry.” Rushing water, ocean waves, those are two experiences that never fail to grab my attention and pull me out of any funk i might be in. The rainbows are nice, too.