Day 442 – Cat Hair

Hours of Daylight – 15:29

So i found this thing at the pet store… it’s a smaller version of the loopy metal thing used to strip hair from horses. It does a fantastic job of removing the undercoat from cats. Isa and Mora are clearly cold-weather cats… the amount of downy underfur i ripped out of them yesterday afternoon was staggering. I was completely covered in fur and there were giant tumble weeds of it blowing all around. I put about three mellon-sized fur balls in the trash. The rest i let blow away. Isa enjoyed it more than Mora. However it was chilly this morning… and Isa was clearly upset by her lack of fur. She kept trying to get under the covers with us early this morning. Now she’s lying in sunny spots and moving as the sun moves.

20060617_041856pmThe weather is spectacular again today. It was 62 in the house this morning… but it’ll climb into the 80’s by 3 or 4 pm. I think there might be about 2% humidity. Coming from New York (via Minneapolis) i never expected to say this, but adding some humidity to the air here feels really good. I bought a second “mister” and a “y” connecter for the hose. Sitting out on the deck as the wind blows the fine mist around is a wonderful sensation. The tomato plants like it, too.