
Day 1035 – Obama-Rama!

The scene at Taco Bell Arena The new expression going forward is going to be “hope-monger.” That term was used to great effect by Sen. Barack Obama in a stump speech not four hours ago delivered in a packed-to-the-ceiling Taco Bell Arena.

Without a doubt this was the best speech by a politician i’ve ever heard delivered live. And yes he said “iowa” instead of “idaho” once but anybody who fixates on that is kind of missing the bigger picture.

I have no idea how this whole circus will play out, but i want to go on record saying that i agree with every single point he made. I did feel a little squirmy when he started making promises with time tables attached, but the guy is a politician who has to be good for all time zones and some people need to be fed digestible nuggets. I doubt he will be able to keep his promises in the anticipated timeframe, but do believe he’ll try.

As Leo McGarry said: “i’m sick and tired of year after year after year having to choose between the lesser of ‘who cares’.” Obama breaks this cycle… and i agree when he says this coming election is a pivotal moment for this country.

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