Day 1184 – Simply Disgusted

I’ve had it. I’ll do whatever i can to lend a voice to PBS and Bill Moyers. Photos, links, reprints and assorted original writing will be a regular feature of this meager outlet. As for attribution, both images in this post (the stacks “feature” image and the post thumbnail) were both taken from the PBS.ORG website.

Honestly, i feel sick to my stomach when i watch Moyers Journal reports. They are even more damning than Frontline reports in that they are more targeted, harder-hitting, more focused and less “written” (they are more immediate). What motivates these sagging, pitiful white men who constitute the bulk of our federal government to cling so desperately, so fanatically, to certain courses of action? I want to believe it’s more than money. I want to believe.

I keep picturing the scene in Ghostbusters, where Bill Murray points out “if i’m wrong nothing happens; we go to jail, we’ll enjoy it. But if i’m right, and we can stop this thing, then you, Lenny, will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters.”

The other scene is from the first Superman movie where Jor-el explains to the council what is about to happen to the planet Krypton. The council replies, “we do not disagree with your evidence. The evidence is incontrovertible. What we disagree with is your conclusions. Krypton is simply shifting its orbit.”

Isn’t this a similar situation? The massive economic upheavals the sagging, pitiful white men threaten will come with any change are going to come whether we shift away from fossil fuels now or later. The carbon economy is going to wane, that is a fact whether we annex Iraq’s oil (any day now) or not. Why are these SPWM so desperate to thwart change at any cost? Is it just money? Is that what they are taking in exchange for their efforts to solidify oil as the lifeblood of our economy? Can it be that simple? Do they think if they amass sufficient wealth they will cheat death? Do they think by risking the future, but by gaining a huge bank account, they will guarantee happiness for their grandchildren?

Climate change is here. Fossil fuels will run out. If we do not take steps to deal with these facts then the changes those facts precipitate will arrive with violence and desperation not yet visited upon North America.

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