Day 1497 – Back To It

Wow, it only took one day. My rosy web glow from An Event Apart Seattle has pretty much drained out of me as the realities of my current job reassert themselves.

A while back i worked a temp gig at Idaho Power. It was a great job to have and a great job to no longer have if you take my meaning. One of the people i met there was the lead photographer Dave Bogie. He attended a conference somewhere dealing with, among other things, digital asset management and similar issues. Upon his return he gave a little presentation to the the group to share what he’d learned. As i recall he used the phrase “We Are Dinosaurs” about seven or eight times throughout the short slide show.

The current Boise State web system doesn’t even rank that highly. If Idaho Power’s digital asset management system equals “dinosaur” then Boise State’s web system equals “prehistoric slime mold.”

While at AEA i toyed with the idea of putting one or more BSU sites forward for an impromptu “site review.” But thought against it for a couple of reasons. I was confident i made the right choice when i saw the sites that were chosen for the review. The vast majority of the BSU system is straight out of 1996 and what’s most frustrating is i have virtually no power to affect change other than to whine and bitch and moan.

It will be better when Annette is back and i have more than this  job to fill my days. And i still cling to the notion there is virtually nowhere to take the website but up and or forward. That counts. That’s a job.

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