Category: The Doublewide

  • Day 1,372 – Just Sayin’

    If Annette ever decides she’s had enough of my half-baked experiment in country living and bails for the city, and i go shopping for a new partner, i can just imagine the ensuing reports: “The place is a kind of a dump and the sex was mediocre, but the food was fantastic.”

  • Country Life

    Isa just pulled a large pocket gopher out of the ground and carried it around in her mouth until it stopped fighting. Cats are simply hard-wired killing machines. That brings her total to something like six. Goood cat.

  • Day 1,371 – New Paint, New Birds

    Annette and i worked nearly 9 hours yesterday painting and caulking our sagging home. The good news is the “master bath” is finally painted and looking almost friendly. We made great strides in our plan to repaint the trim highlight we spent 9 hours painting after moving in. See, the trim in a doublewide is…