Day 1679 – Something’s happened

Hours of Daylight – 11:03

I’m not sure why and i’m not sure exactly when, but something has happened with me and the motorcycle. I noticed the odometer as i came in this morning, a brisk ride to be sure, as it rolled up to 3000. As i pulled in at the stage door the odometer sat at 3004. That means i’ve ridden the motorcycle nearly the equivalent of across the country.

What’s happened is the fear level is now below the threshold where it governs my actions. Don’t get me wrong, i’m still probably the most conservative rider in a 300 mile radius, but i’m no longer afraid.

I don’t mean to say i have “no fear” anymore of being taken out by a coffee drinking cell phone talking soccer mom who’s rushing to pick up one child from music lessons while worring about what to prepare for dinner. It’s just the fear has been, only just, supplanted by familiarity with the machine, confidence in my ability to avoid a crash, and over 3000 miles of experience.

I feel i’ve reached a plateau. The question now is what comes next. That’s what i’m going to work on for the remainder of October. This is a classic condition of “change the things you can, accept the things you can’t.”