Day 833 – Summertime Blues

Current Temperature outside: 93 degrees F.

Well, i’m still in Boise. It has been 103 days since my last post and as you might imagine much has happened. My wife is now ensconced in the Bronx in a huge apartment. I’m unsure where i left off so let me say she took the job with the Visiting Nurse Service of NY. She’s been on the job officially about a week now.

What am i doing still living in Boise, you ask? Simple. When we moved here i was pretty much done with Minnesota. Any change was a welcome change. But, frankly, i’m not done with Idaho. It took me a long time to land a job here, much longer than i anticipated. As Annette’s decision to return to New York came closer and closer to being due i began to realize i was unwilling to simply pull up the roots here and return to the New York life.

Now, that being said, don’t for a moment make the assumption i’ve renounced my east coast life and have discovered happiness in the American West. Nope. However i’d like to believe i’m not stupid. We own a perfectly nice house in Boise (more house than we’d ever be able to afford within 60 miles of New York City), we have nice toys, there are still things to see and discover out this a-ways, and we’re not rolling in cash. There are people here i like. Put it all together and my staying put suddenly becomes the logical choice.

So my wife and i are now 2,468 miles apart. Is it difficult being apart? Yes. Does it mean we’re getting a divorce (many Idaho folks seem to make that assumption)? No. Will our phone bill be higher? Possibly, but i need to do some cellphone shopping… make sure we’re getting the best deal to keep in touch. Basically does the current situation suck? Yeah. But i’m not 25 anymore, and i don’t bitch and moan the way i used to. Life places demands on us that must be addressed. She had a truly crappy experience at BSU. That she wanted to get far away from here is completely understandable. Will i sell the Boise house and join her in New York? Probably, but not until such time as she feels comfortable with her job, her role, and her place in the universe (to think big for a moment).

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