Category: Featured

  • Day 659 – Wine

    Day 659 – Wine

    There are some incredible benefits to living here.

  • Day 633 – Brief Bliss

    Day 633 – Brief Bliss

    Aimee Mann last night at Britt. Good, if brief, show. Opened with a solo acoustic version of High on Sunday which surprised me considering that’s one of her few songs that has some effects on the album version. Given her catalog i was frustrated by how briefly she was actually on stage… but venues have…

  • Day 626 – How I Spent My Evening

    Day 626 – How I Spent My Evening

    Here’s one i never expected to say, but i spent 4 solid hours balancing a Steadicam Merlin this evening. Why am i doing this? Several reasons: first i like toys, second, a colleague approached me with a project and i’m endeavoring to help solve her task.

  • Day 623 – Con’t

    Day 623 – Con’t

    Made it home in record time. Muni and Bart synchronized perfectly with an unexpected delay of the previous Medford flight to score me, 1, an earlier flight out, and 2, an exit row. Before you scoff let me just say that an exit row on an Embraer Brasilia is beyond epic in terms of leg…