Category: Featured

  • Day 754 – Christmas Eve in Ashland

    Day 754 – Christmas Eve in Ashland

    One of the most important features on an airplane is the brakes. This is especially true of tail-draggers like the Husky. Given the stall speed of the Husky is something like 40 knots it’s not so much a matter of stopping as one of steering. Without the brakes, called toe-brakes because you actuate them with…

  • Lloyd Bridges as Steve McCroskey from “Airplane”

    Lloyd Bridges as Steve McCroskey from “Airplane”

    “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.”

  • Day 747 – Gotta Get Away

    Day 747 – Gotta Get Away

    Ever have a week that causes you to simply need to get away from the reality of that week? Another way to put it would be a series of experiences so unpleasant that you feel compelled to get physically away from everything you were near as the events unfolded.

  • Day 718 – Sick

    Day 718 – Sick

    It’s so frustrating; i can go for years with hardly a sniffle. But eventually i catch a cold and i’m sidelined for a full week.