Tag: Milwaukie Days

  • Day 120 – Happy Place Now Cooked

    Portland was my happy place weather-wise for a while there, but those days have been cooked. I honestly thought I might have said farewell to triple-digit days by moving up here, but it would seem the heat has moved with me. And no, it isn’t a dry heat as pictured in the above photo of the…

  • Day 32 – Weather & Traffic

    Weather-wise this is Jeremy’s happy place. I’ll take cloudy, chilly, watery and mossy over hot and dry any day. Clear blue sky with unobstructed blazing sun is the absence of weather.

  • Day 21 – This is Worse

    I’ve reset the blog clock based on the day when our stuff arrived at our Milwaukie place and we officially began “living” here. Before March 10th, 2015, we were just visiting. Now, let’s get to it.