Category: Opinion

  • Day 163 – Is Anybody Surprised?

    Seriously is anybody remotely surprised by the recent NY Times article about what it’s like, for many, to work at Amazon dot com? Or by the outright hilarious response by Jeff Bezos that the article “doesn’t describe the Amazon I work for.” Consider the arena where Amazon competes! Remember Amazon recently bested Walmart as the most…

  • Day 21 – This is Worse

    I’ve reset the blog clock based on the day when our stuff arrived at our Milwaukie place and we officially began “living” here. Before March 10th, 2015, we were just visiting. Now, let’s get to it.

  • Day 1,878 – Ken’s, Northampton & West

    Back East (and maybe as far West as Chicago and environs) “steak house” is more a cultural symbol than a dining establishment. That’s why last night’s dinner brought constant thoughts about the implosion at The New Republic precipitated by yet another pissant creation of the social media elite.

  • Day 1,877 – Nashua & North

    Downtown Nashua. I’d shoot more if the rain would let up.