Category: Reportage

  • Day 233 – Checkride

    The signs were all there, it was going to be a difficult morning.

  • Day 227- Yes, There are Schedules

    Believe it or not TriMet puts a heroic amount of time and effort into scheduling. It’s just the realities of driving in Portland often conspire to make said schedules less than accurate.

  • Day 224 – A Couple Myths

    Yeah, so at the moment I’m driving a bus and the comparisons to Jackie Gleason and The Honeymooners are straggling in. Might be a good time to address some questions that have come my way and pre-straighten the record.

  • Day 218 – Enjoy the Ride

    Day 218 – Enjoy the Ride

    Week 1 of driving a bus for TriMet in actual “revenue service” is now behind me. No fatalities, no broken mirrors, no paint scraped off the bus onto utility poles and five days of, I believe, mostly satisfied customers. That is my new definition of “win.”